Lifetime Living, Morningside Ministries’ corporate newsletter, was named the Newsletter of the Year by the Texas Association of the Homes and Services for the Aging (TAHSA) for 2010. This is the third time that Lifetime Living has received this honor, also winning in 2009 and 2007.
Lifetime Living is produced in-house three times a year and showcases what happens inside Morningside Ministries' communities and portrays retirement living and senior care in a very positive light to the public. Circulation of the full-color, glossy publication is approximately 13,000, with 10,000 mailed to donors, potential residents, board members, area churches and pastors and others in the community. The remaining 3,000 are distributed to residents, employees and visitors to the community.
This publication is a good way for people in the community to learn about what Morningside has to offer, to inform them of what we do and how successful our organization continues to be. The magazine presents a thorough picture of life in our community and each issue includes news information from our three campuses. Content provided is relevant to residents, employees, board members and those not as familiar with our organization.
Each issue features one to two feature stories about residents, either about their contribution to the community or a relevant story about their life history, and provides stories that are relevant in today’s society, like social networking and legislative issues.
Features also include employee updates, a message from our in-house chaplain, an extensive activity calendar with events the public is invited to, an article with health information from one of our dietitians, news and updates from different departments, recognition of our donors from the previous quarter and photographs of resident events and parties. The newsletter is also used to advertise for upcoming special events and to give relevant information to our readers about senior issues.
The magazine-style newsletter is in an 8.5 by 11 inch format, so that it is easily mailed and easily handled by our readers. Each cover presents a full-color, full-bleed photograph or graphic with the title prominently featured. The newsletter is designed in mostly bright, trendy colors that are easy on the eye and very visually attractive.
All articles are written and edited in-house. For the most part, the photography is done in house, but certain stories are supplemented with stock photography or graphics. This newsletter is written, produced, designed, photographed and edited by one in-house staff member.