Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eva Mata receives Environmental Services Award from TAHSA

The Texas Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (TAHSA) has awarded Eva Mata, a laundry crew leader at Morningside Manor, with the Environmental Services Award for 2010. This award recognizes the importance of those employees in housekeeping, laundry and security. Her award will be presented during the TAHSA annual meeting in Houston during the week of May 16.

Eva is very focused on her job and is always striving for 100% customer satisfaction. She is a positive an upbeat person and instills that same attitude in those around her. Eva does everything she can to make family members satisfied with our service. She will explain the laundry operation in depth and will show families around the laundry facilities if they want a tour.

She demonstrates patience and kindness with the residents and will search tirelessly for a “missing” item for a resident, only to find it in the back of their closet. But she does it with a smile. Her sleuthing ability allows her to track down the owners of items ranging from eyeglasses to crucifixes to ensure that the resident is reunited with their property.

Eva has played a big part in Morningside Manor’s “Secret Santa” program that the laundry department provides for the residents. With the laundry staff in prime position to see which residents have clothing needs, during the holidays, Eva and her staff raise funds and buy needed clothing and other items for residents. Then Eva and her crew purchase, wrap and deliver Santa’s gifts on Christmas day. This program has enabled the laundry staff to help our residents and provides a morale boost for the department at the same time.

Eva puts tremendous effort into the Manor’s annual Celebration of Life fall festival. She coordinates the gigantic “flea market” type booth that the environmental services department prepares. It is such a hit with the residents!

Her strength is in her passion and commitment to the residents and in her leadership to her employees, especially in stressful work situations, such as equipment breakdowns or staffing shortages. Somehow, the job always gets done and clean linen and clothing is delivered to all of her customers. Her “can do” attitude and hands-on leadership is a source of inspiration to the rest of her crew.

Congrats Eva on this honor!

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